Pentesting blogs

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    Simple Buffer Overflow Explained

    In this article am gonna talk about buffer overflow attacks presents in software Before diving into exploitation you need to get information of gdb,python,bash,C,assembly and registers So, i firmly recommend to learn those stuff before diving into buffer overflow exploitation Stack based overflows are more exploitable accross the globe then... [Read More]

    Diving In Heap glibc Architecture

    This resarch paper is inspired from azeria If you wanna learn and understand more I will provide resources in comment section. Introduction of Heap and Memory As we all know Our memory consist of various data segments like HEAP, STACK, DATA, BSS, GOT, PLT, TXT as you can see in... [Read More]

    ssrf exploitation for rce part:2

    Introduction hey folks! what’s up? This is my second artice about ssrf exploitation if you doesn’t read part 1 you can read it from in this article here I divided ssrf there in two types according to my resarch blind ssrf and untrusted input So, i picked up remote code... [Read More]